Is Health Insurance necessary?

With the effect of Globalization around the world our economy has increased in all the sectors. And now the individuals are more concerned about their health. In current market scenario, there are many players in the market which deals in Insurance and also offer profiles of a range of health insurance plans. Each plan has its own unique feature and has a different policy & the plans that give you the best advantage are more expensive & also their premium rates are higher.

In this unsafe world, it is very essential for an individual to have a Health Insurance plan to remain fit and happy & thus be able to overcome any unforeseen threat and thus lead a peaceful life. The motive behind the health insurance plan is that it makes you financially strong by reimbursing the medical as well as hospital expenditure and thus preparing you for any worse situation. Getting a Health Insurance is a boon to those persons who are employed in an unsafe industry or have their own that includes heights and other unsafe activities; in that case your life would be at danger everyday as you would be exposing to danger. So this is the most important reason to get an insurance policy and thus it would cover every accident and thus you will feel secure. Also, choosing a good health plan is very essential as this would decrease the chances for you to visit to the hospital and thus negotiating on the financial grounds.

Also there is a shortcoming in long run as it is unhealthy and unsafe to try treating your ailments all by yourself. In addition to this suppose if you suffer from serious disease, then at that time the diagnosis will be prolonged and thus you would be trapped in a web which would harm you both medically and financially.

furthermore, if you are in a severe illness while being uninsured, then you would not be able to purchase insurance later as it would be regarded as a pre-existing condition and thus at that time you would be obligatory to clear up all medical bills by yourself and thus it proved to be serious financial burden on your shoulders.

In conclusion, before purchasing any Health Insurance plan, the current market scenario should be checked and thus choosing the best Health Insurance plan & the investment should be immediately to enjoy long run benefits.

Posted on 13:41 by Hery Kurniawan and filed under | 0 Comments »

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